Ted; We will really miss you at the plant. I wish I could come celebrate with you, but they are making me wear this stupid ankle bracelet.... I still havent recovered from the nite I heard you were retiring!
From the Weiners:
Hey Pops; Who’s gonna put the kibbles in our bowls now? We’ll Starve!
From Ted’s Best Customer:
What do you expect me to do now? You were the only one who ever understood me! Don’t leave me now!
John Crapper
From Ted’s First Grade Teacher:
Ted - What did you do with Mr. Hickles’ Phone?
Mrs. Goodnight
From His Team Captain:
Ted wasn’t exactly the best driver on my team..... He always raced with that damn poodle on his lap
Mario Andretti
From a Mayoral Candidate:
Ted: If you vote for the Witch Cathy again ---- I BReaka you face
Name witheld
From Britney’s Kids:
Ted: Don’t even think of opening that Day Care Center... or driving our School Bus
The Little Demons
From Ted’s Juvie Officer:
Ted - Bring back that sign!
Sgt. R. Myers
From Young (Little) Ted:
Hey Big Ted - Play your cards right and some day you can have a TV show called ‘ Ted in the Middle’.
Malcom Want-a-be
From The Ukrainian Rock Group Tatu:
Trainman Ted - You are the Sexiest Trainman we know. We wrote this song just for you.